Clients Say.
Suniti Dernovsek
Wendy is a remarkable teacher. Her attentiveness, creativity, and understanding of the body inspire curiosity and integration. Through her skilled teaching, she allows thoughts, feelings, and impressions to bubble up in each student's unique experience. She has guided me towards a deepening of embodied questions, which has been an absolute gift to my development as a yoga teacher and dancer.
- Suniti Dernovsek, Dance Artist and Yoga Instructor
Julie Westlin-Naigus
Wendy has been my teacher, guide and inspiration through my body exploration. Wendy's gentle heart and inquisitive mind have allowed me to find pathways within myself that I didn't even know existed. Wendy's vast knowledge and understanding of embodied anatomy and Body-Mind Centering has changed not only the way I move and relate in space and the world but she has given me tools and depth to become a better teacher and therapist. My time with Wendy has been priceless, she has given me an entirely new relationship to my body and authentic self.
- Julie Westlin-Naigus, Mental Health Professional and Yoga Instructor