ISMETA Engaging Embodiment Conference
I’m excited to present "Seeing & Being Seen" at this year’s "Engaging Embodiment" conference (online). Organized by ISMETA, this conference converges more than 80 of the world’s leading somatic movement professionals to share how work in somatic movement impacts health, education, and social justice. For full details or to register visit my site (link in bio) or @ismeta_association
Seeing & Being Seen: Body-Mind Centering®, Race and Identity through Bones, Blood & Skin
3/3/21, 11:00a-12:00p (PST)
Conference: $100-$150 (scholarships available)
Class description: Utilizing the experiential anatomy intrinsic to BMC℠, this session offers resources for cultivating the deep self-awareness, resilience, and empathy required to engage with the work and issues involved in social justice. Through understanding the blood, bone, and skin, we will work to generate the capacity to see each other as individuals with unique histories. How do we show up? How do we show up when we are uncomfortable? How are we seeing? How are we being seen?
The International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA)/Engaging Embodiment: Somatic Applications for Health, Education & Social Justice.